Between September and March, the cottage is available to rent for a minimum of 4 nights, at £65 per night. We offer discounts for longer stays:
- A “free night” discount to guests staying for a week: A week’s stay during that time is £395.
- A further discount for guests staying for 2 weeks: A 2 week stay during that time is £750.
In April, May and June, the cottage is available to rent on a weekly basis, normally from Saturday to Saturday. The prices for a one-week or two-week stay are the same as above:
- A week’s stay during during April, May and June is £395.
- We offer a discount for guests staying for 2 weeks: A 2 week stay during April, May and June is £750.
Our high season is July and August. Again, the cottage is available to rent on a weekly basis, normally from Saturday to Saturday. The prices are:
- A week’s stay during during July/August is £495.
- We offer a discount for guests staying for 2 weeks: A 2 week stay during July/August is £950.
If you would like to rent the cottage for any other length of time, please get in touch and we will let you know the price.
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Key: Green dates are available; Pink dates are booked; Orange dates are changeover days (new bookings can start or end on these days).