Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do we book Cosy Cottage?
    • You can make a booking request through our Bookings page.  It shows the available dates, and the cost of your chosen dates.
  • How do we pay?
    • Once you submit your booking request, we will send you an email with a choice of payment methods.  You can securely pay online with a debit or credit card, or you can pay by bank transfer.
  • Can we pay by cheque?
    • Yes, of course.  If you would prefer to pay by cheque, let us know and we will give you our address for sending a cheque.
  • What deposit is required?
    • We ask for £100 deposit at the time of booking, to secure the booking.
  • When is the balance due?
    • The rental cost is due 8 weeks before the start of your holiday.  For bookings made within 8 weeks, we request that payment is made at the time of booking.
  • Does the cost include linen, towels and electricity?
    • Yes, all linen, towels and electricity costs are included in the rental charge.
  • Can we take pets?
    • Sorry, but we do not accept pets at the cottage.
  • Is there ample car parking?
    • Yes, there is plenty of parking!  There is a large parking space on the road just outside the cottage.
  • How do we get there?